Monday, 7 October 2013

Some tricks I use to lose weight

Hello ladies, this is properly the question always on your mind.
"How do I loose weight?" "What are some tricks?"
Well I am here to stop the questions. Here are some simple tricks that I do to maintain are good body. 

1 Manage your schedule. Plan out you day before hand with a schedule. When you're bored you just eat. You keep eating even though you are full. But if you managed you time, you would schedule a time for eating and you will keep your mind off food. (That's why schools are so successful.) They have lunch breaks and schedule a time table. Something we should be doing. 

2. Keep your body in action 24/7. If you're just sitting and watching the tv chances are you're eating something as well. Next time you are watching tv play with you hands or shake your leg. Doing something to distract yourself from food.

3. Have a full breakfast. When you wake up have a nice breakfast full of healthy food. Eat as much possible so that you don't eat more food later. 

4. Brush your teeth straight after dinner. "Brushing my teeth after dinner makes me less likely to eat again before I go to bed."

Jo Miller, Health
Enough said. :) Hahah

And lucky last
5.  Drink water before and after every meal.  When you drink water your filling at least half of your stomach with water, less space for food so you don't have to burn off to much fat. 

So let me know what you want me to talk about next time. Any issues you want me to cover? Let me know. :)