Sunday, 29 September 2013

Confidence is the key

What you want isn't always what you can have. And confidence isn't something everyone haves but everyone should get. You should have enough confidence to show off your beautiful body with that new bikini you brought but instead when you reach the beach you are covered in cloths. Ladies to believe you have a beautiful body you need to show it. You need to believe in yourself and say "I have confidence and I believe I have a fantastic body". If you say that to your self every morning and every night I promise. You're becoming a stronger and beautiful women. Show your confidence with grace and take baby steps. Soon enough you will show the world what you're made off. Goodnight Ladies.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Eating when bored

Major problem girls, so what I recently found out are 90% of the time when you’re bored you eat. That is not good. You just eat because you have nothing to do and you don’t bother burning of the fat. So next times you’re bored instead of eating go out with friends or walk the dog. Do something you hardly do, do something proactive.  If you feel like eating something but you’re not really hungry than try doing something else. Go for a walk, do arts and craft or concentrate on something either than food.

Monday, 23 September 2013

You are beautiful don't let anyone tell you anything else

I was at with my family and the table across from us sat a teenage girl and boy. I don't know if they were dating but I assume they were. She was talking about her new dress and how she felt like a beautiful princess and her friend that she was kind of ugly. Now if I was her I would grab my drink and pour it all over his face but all she did was smile and laugh. GIRLS YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT. If someone says you're ugly, fat, b!tch, gross, weird, overweight, different or annoying. Smile stand up and walk away so they can see a real good view of your butt. Because honey no matter what they say, you are beautiful.

And that is the same with media. Just because in photos they look absolutely perfect doesn't mean they look like that in real life. Just remember that you are not the fake cover girl, you are real and not air brushed. Don't let anyone change you because you will regret it. You are beautiful remember that.
Bye Girls x

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Inner Beauty

When I say inner beauty I don't mean what you think of yourself inside i mean your body parts. Do you think your inner body is beautiful. I was talking to my friends and they were complaining about there pore skin. Well if your skin is horrible than your inner body could be. Your skin tells us about your body. If you smoke don't except your skin to be perfection and eating those chips is not helping you. Now I would like to tell you some sneaky tricks on how I keep my body good. I was looking for some good recipes for my sister to help clean her skin. And I came across Strawberry cleanser mask. Now we're in luck because strawberries are in season. WOOOO !!! So here is the recipe.
First you grab some 12 median size strawberries (don't worry there should be leftover)
Make sure you wash your hands  and the strawberries before we start creating.
Mash the 12 strawberries and add 2 teaspoons of honey.
Mix it together and you will be done. Poor at least half into a cup and with the other half put it all around your face. Wait 10-15 minutes and wash it off with warm water. With that half in the cup DRINK IT!!!.
I know what you're thinking "what the" but strawberries have some good propitiates that will help your inner body and honey is just a legend. Plus you can't really drink honey so this is a perfect way. Trust me, you will be thanking me later.

Second Mask

Get a clove of garlic crush it and get the juice put it on your pimples and leave for 3-5 minutes.

Third Mask
This one I fine quite funny but you use baking soda. Hahah crazy maybe but at least you look like a princess when your finished. Get a small bowl and pour 5 table spoons of baking soda and 4-5 teaspoons of water. The idea is so it's like a thick paste not runny. Once finish put it on you face like for 5-10 minutes, wash it off than your done.

So that's for your outer body but what about inside.
Well of course eating healthy and exercising is important but how do you know if your body OK. Just remember do always take care of yourself. Even simple things like washing your hands before you eat and after you use the bathroom helps you.

So I want to say sorry for not posting, I been super crazy with family and school but now I'm on vacation I will be posting a lot more. So stay fit n healthy. :*